Tycho's Star (1572) was a Supernova, like Kepler's Star (1604), and 1054 (now the Crab Nebula).

Houses of the Zodiac; the Zodiac crosses any other celestial Great Circle in two points. The Milky Way is one such Great Circle, and by remarkable coincidence (?), The Zodiac crosses the Galactic Plane very close to the locations of the Supernovae of 1604 & 1054.

Tycho's Star formed a "Northern" Cross with a, b, g Cassiopeia, which Reflected the celestially diametrically opposite Southern Cross; "right-hand" = "Southern", as in Yemen ( "right hand", because it's to the South as one faces East). In two more remarkable coincidences (?), Tycho's Star occupies the point of the Galactic Plane closest to Earth's North Pole, and the reflection symmetry of the Southern and "Northern" Crosses is striking, as seen in the diagram above. Tycho's Star was so bright that it was easily visible by day. The name of the constellation (Southern Cross) refers to the Christian Cross, but resonates with the "sacred operation" of the High Church of Quaternions, as well as the "crossing" of the "Houses and the Way".

bes = 2/3 (Lat.); used to complete the following sequence of Supernova years: 1006, 1054, 1572, 1604, Y. The intervals between events are: 48, 518, 32, x.
32 = (2/3)(48) suggests "bes", so x = (2/3)(518) = 345 + 1/3, so the mystery year Y = 1604 + 345 + 1/3 = 1949 to 1950.

Three Signs (Taurus, Gemini, Arachne) share one day (depending on year, May 21 or May 22 or May 23). In 1950, the Sun entered Gemini at 11:11 EDT on May 21; see Vogh, J. 1977. Arachne Rising. The Thirteenth Sign of the Zodiac. Granada, London

Three Days' Hour(s): 2 (?) hour period, starting at 1200 GMT, 0800 EDT, and including 0837 EDT, during which the International Date Line interacts with the Time Zones it crosses to produce three different dates.

Week of Weeks = Pentecost = = .

Horoscopic QuatraIn: the above 4 lines describe 0837 EDT 5/22/1950

A 'spell' uses the writing of letters to effect magic; the characters of this line rearranged give the next line (hence the oddly placed upper-case letters).

Quantic wave's propHase: The Universe's quantum state at the instant of conception, when planetary & other influences have the most leverage on an individual's character and development, starting with the choice of DNA combo from sperm & egg.

A single cell, containing an individual's complete genetic code, is the starting point of all organisms (including the author of this poem).

Birth, like emergence from the sipapu, is entry into a new world.

Some of the May Trines include the Day of Three Signs, the Hour of Three Days; and the 7 of viewed as octonionic imaginaries with their 7 quaternionic subtriads.

Octaves was Graves' original name for the Octonions; also refers to the Music of the Spheres as described by Pythagoras, Kepler (1604), and others; see Ouspenski In Search of the Miraculous (it was a star map on the cover of an edition of this book, showing 1604, that first led to an awareness of the Supernova patterns which inspired this sonnet).

The Sipapu is the Emergence point in SW legend; the legend involves 4 kinds of trees (a "quaternionic subset" of the tree pronouns described below).

Ygg is the nickname for Yggdrasil, and related trees involved in Universe's structure (e.g. Imix).

"Tipocmibicasbocpigpogbogbig" is a tree pronoun, in which "Ti" (="Thou") (Ygg), the included listener, is
poc: A tree with only female flowers; "mi" (="I"), the speaker, is
bic: A tree with only male flowers; and "as" (="You"), the excluded listeners, are
boc: A tree with male and female flowers,
pig: A tree with only perfect flowers,
pog: A tree with female and perfect flowers,
bog: A tree with male, female, and perfect flowers,
big: A tree with male and perfect flowers.